Our primary driver Oliver Warrick has been practicing circuits, driving the robot and shooting, in preparation for the competition on the 1st and 2nd of May. In conjunction to this, the rest of the team has been fine tuning the robot in anticipation of the fierce competition in the coming weeks!
The software section of the team has been hard at work, making sure the robot can function to the fullest degree during the autonomous period of our matches. During this period, the robot must function completely independently from driver input. This process wasn’t completely smooth as there were some minor obstacles that cropped up that have been or are being dealt with in a timely and orderly manner. Other preparations have been made for this competition such as the completion of a 3d goal which was required for exactly mimicking the field conditions for the purpose of allowing the drive team to have adequate driver-training before the competition commenced.
A gigantic amount of effort has been put in by every member of the team who took time out of their busy schedules so that the team can finally test out the robot that so much time had been invested in building.
Competition - Day 1
First day of the Southern Cross competition has been exceptionally exciting. After a scary start with a motor being burned out, the robot has functioned as well as we could have hoped for where after the first day of Qualification matches, the team has secured 3 wins and two losses putting the team at a 3-2-0 score after 5 matches. This is given us rank 4.
Tomorrow the other qualification matches will be played after which the final rankings will be locked in and the Semifinals, and Finals can commence.
Competition - Day 2
The second day of competition was another great day for the team to drive the robot and score great goals.
Successful climbs were achieved and we were picked in the by the second alliance team in the first round.
Our alliance lost the seconded semi final and was therefor out of the comp.
Overall a great couple of days with real team sprit and looking forward to the 8 and 9 May competition.